After all, why would you have a Special Database ceiling if the ROI is technically correct? So it is only a logical and useful option if you are dealing with a fixed budget. Finally, it is good to realize that you can also select your separate Target CPA. This actually means that you want as many conversions as possible, but at a minimum of x Special Database that you want to pay per unique conversion. 7. Maximize Clicks You choose this option if you specifically want to attract as much traffic as possible to your website. You can use this method, for example, during an AB test on a website, and you want to quickly realize a lot of visits (data). It could also be Special Database about an event page, without direct conversion (let as many people as possible read the page and/or message).
Note: even then 'maximize Special Database conversions' (with the aim of a visitor with non-bounce) would be an even better solution. 8. Target ROAS We've arrived at the last two (and most superior) options. You can only choose this bidding option if you also measure underlying conversion values. Usually you are talking about e-commerce advertisers, who, for example, use 'Enhanced E-commerce' in Google Analytics to dynamically pass Special Database on their conversion values to Google Ads. In concrete terms, this means that you can indicate exactly how much your ROI should be per Euro spent on Google Ads. For example, if you set that you would like a ROAS of 800% on your campaign, the algorithm will calculate exactly how many clicks you Special Database need to get to a ratio of 1:8, looking at ad spend versus revenue (measured in Google Analytics).
You can also use ROAS if you are not Special Database an e-commerce party. Then make sure that you send conversions to Google Analytics goals in Google Ads. Then make sure that you enter the corresponding Special Database conversion values, see the screenshot below how this roughly looks like. This is the last bidding option I'll cover. You can set this (commonly used) bid strategy at campaign level, but also specifically at ad group Special Database level. You indicate which CPA you would like to pay per conversion.
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