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Supreme Commander 2 Game Prefs Download !LINK! Free

A 'scale mod' that changes more than just unit sizes. Basic units have been shrunk in size but now produce much faster. Projectiles shoot farther, and both units and projectiles move at more realistic speeds, so terrain and army composistion are more closely linked. View distances are also augmented. This is a playable Beta version of the mod, do not expect it to be completely bug free or balanced. Full changelog included in the download, or there is a cumulative changelog in the ModDB Features section.

Supreme Commander 2 Game Prefs Download Free

CHANGING THE UNIT CAP:Find a file called 'game.prefs'. It should be in C:\Documents and Settings\ERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander 2 where ERNAME% is the login you use for windows (or somewhere similar to this I am not familiar with all operating systems). Search for UnitCap and change to 1000, 2000, 3500, or 5000. It should default to 2000.

You can do this in baby steps. After making a small change, reload the game and see if the campaign menu allows you to select newer missions. If it didn't work, either the game will make a copy of the Game.prefs file and name it Game.prefs.bad and make a new blank one or it will just ignore the change.

A 'scale mod' that changes more than just unit sizes. Basic units have been shrunk in size but now produce much faster. Projectiles shoot farther, and both units and projectiles move at more realistic speeds, so terrain and army composistion are more closely linked. View distances are also augmented. This is a playable Beta version of the mod, do not expect it to be completely bug free or balanced. Full changelog included in the download, or there is a cumulative changelog in theModDB Features section.

CHANGING THE UNIT CAP:Find a file called 'game.prefs'. It should be in C:\Documents and Settings\&#xUS;ERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander 2 where &#xUS;ERNAME% is the login you use for windows (or somewhere similar to this I am not familiar with all operating systems). Search for UnitCap and change to 1000, 2000, 3500, or 5000. It should default to 2000.

Selected unit / building killed with death animation- Kill Selected unit / building killed without death animation- Destroy Set game speed to default value - WLD_resetsimrate Shows all key bindings - IN_DumpKeyNames Shows Unit Creation menu - PopupCreationMenu Spawn Menu, aim where you want to spawn a unit, then hit this and you can spawn any unit under anyone's control. - ALT + F2 Take over specified player (-1 is spectators) - SetFocusArmyPlayer Teleport all selected units to the pointer's location - Teleport Teleport Selected Unit - ALT + T Toggle Damage, makes all units in the game invulnerable, including your enemy's - ALT + N Toggle full map - SallyShears Toggle Opponent AI units will follow orders given before command is used, but commander will not issue anymore - ALT + A Toggle units causing no more damage - NoDamage Units / buildings / research become free - ai_instabuild Units and buildings immediately built and research immediately completed - ai_freebuild Damage indicated unit (negative value heals) - DamageUnit Decrease game speed by 1 - WLD_decreasesimrate Delete units, target a unit then delete it - CTRL + DELETE Increase game speed by 1 - WLD_increasesimrate Increase raw material storage capacity by 10,000 and fill camps - BlingBling Kill Selected Unit - CTRL + K Names selected unit - RenameUnit Paste Unit/Structure - CTRL + SHIFT + V All units and buildings killed with death animations - KillAll All units and buildings killed without death animations - DestroyAll Assigns console command to key - IN_BindKey Bling Bling, max out your resources, increase Mass/Energy capacity by 10,00 - CTRL + ALT + B Change game speed - WLD_gamespeed Change gravity (4.9 is default) - Sim_gravity Change player color - SetArmyColor Copy Unit/Structure - CTRL + SHIFT + C

7zip zip tool. is a popular zip tool. All the gamedata SCD folders are zip files. These are Units.scd, LUA.scd etc. If you look in your gamedata folder and you do not see the .scd extension i.e. your folders only say Units, Textures, Lua etc. this is because you have " Hide Extensions For Known File Types" active in your "Folder Options" panel. This is the same panel that we looked at for revealing the hidden folders. Start/ControlPanel/FileOptions. Go there and remove the check from the " Hide Extensions For Known File Types" box click "Apply" and "OK" and now you can see the .scd file extensions. This is a must do because you are going to be editing these extensions when packing and unpacking the scd files.

The method here is using the Sorian Lobby Enhancement Mod. Download the mod from the link provided below. This mod has several other useful features for the user. It is an scd mod. Install it in your gamedata folder with the original .scd's. On the Sorian Mod page you will have to scroll down a little bit to get to the download link. If you would like to mod Ai's you should down load his most recent Ai's also and study them. They are still the best of any available Ai's.

UEB1103 is the UEF factions T1 mass extractor. A later released GPG patch added this new section of code to the original SortMarkers code and it broke the original metal mod. It is common for patches to break mods because patches add new code to the games. The original Supreme Commander used a different code to achieve the same purpose. In this particular case the Log Window does not show any errors because the code is actually working as it is supposed to work. With the updated code and all 4 factions in the game the commanders will be idle when using the original mod.

In skirmish mode you can start a game with just you in it. This involves selecting the Sand Box victory condition and not selecting any Ai opponents. This is good if you just want to check if your icon place holders are showing up or if your units can actually build a certain unit you have edited or added. If it is a mobile unit you can see if it can actually be built. Will it move? Are there animation problems? Can it fire its weapons? But just because your own commander and units are using the changes you made does not mean for certain that the Ai is going to use those same changes. For this you need to be able to observe the Ai and how it reacts to your changes

If you have never downloaded any mods from the GPG Vault then you most likely do not have a mods folder in the Mygames folder so you will need to create the folder yourself. When you download a mod from the GPG vault the GPG download program automatically creates the mods folder for you. Using any other source you need to create your own mods folder. It is just a folder. It does not matter if you create it or it is created by GPGnet The same applies to maps also downloaded from the vault. If you have downloaded any maps from the vault you will see a separate maps folder that was created by the GPG downloader. For this tutorial, if you do not already have a mods folder create a new folder and name it mods and place it inside the Supreme Commander Forged Alliance folder of the Mygames folder.

This ENABLES these units to build your structure but it does not ASSIGN these units to build it. If you do not actually assign the engineers and the commanders to build your structure then they will not build it. This is what the different files in lua\AIBuilders do. Everything is assigned by platoons. The Ai is constantly forming and disbanding various platoons and assigning orders that are relevant to that platoon. If it is a mobile attack force platoon then it is assigning attack orders. If it is an engineer platoon then it is assigning build orders. Platoons are not static. The Ai does not build three engineers and assign them to a build defenses platoon and that is where they stay for the whole game. The Ai is told how many of a certain unit it is allowed to build and under what conditions it is allowed to build them. Here is the code from the RushMainAir.lua base template that tells the Ai how many engineers it can have in the game at one time.

The launch of Company of Heroes Online represents our first foray into Massive Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy (MMORTS) gaming. Initially designed for the Asian market in 2008, Company of Heroes Online was one of the first free-to-play games deployed in the Western market. Based on our highly-rated WWII franchise, the game reimagined the Company of Heroes experience with the command tree which provided an RPG style progression. 350c69d7ab


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